It is only possible to downgrade the following configurable options if the service meets the following conditions:

  1. The downgrade does not concern the Storage size: It is not possible to reduce the storage size as it may result in data corruption/loss even if the storage is not fully used.
  2. The downgraded item is not at its basic value.

For example, a VPS Diamond can have 16GB (Basic), 32GB or 64GB of RAM. It is possible to downgrade as following:

  • 64GB ➤ 32GB
  • 64GB ➤ 16GB
  • 32GB ➤ 16GB


You can request a downgrade by submitting a ticket.


Please be advised that the service will be billed for the full month. Refunds are not possible on downgrades. The new price will be applied starting from the next billing cycle

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